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Valdalsfjällen - Summer

Car ride approx. 13 km into the Norwegian side, parking at the peat hut and here you are already more than 800 m above sea level. Regardless of where you hike in the area, you will be greeted by magnificent views of the Norwegian mountains such as Båthusberget and Rendalssölen.

From here there are several different tour options and changing views. To the north lies Rundhögda 1120 m.a.s.l. with nice ravines that provide good shelter in windy weather. Once up, you can hike further up Lifjället 1219 m.a.s.l.

Alternatively, hike on the rutted trail towards DNT Svukuriset and perhaps a trip up Storslåga 1326 m.a.s.l. attracts.

Of course, it is possible to hike back to Grövelsjön via the depression west or east of Rundhögda, further up into the valley south of Sushögda and when you reach Digerhogna you can see the entire Grövelsjödalen and Långfjället.

From here, just walk east towards the reindeer fence (there are 2 openings in the fence) to finally reach Sjöstugan at the southern end of Grövelsjön. This tour offers nice hiking in open mountain terrain with fantastic views.

The tour requires that you have two cars, one parked at Sjöstugan and the other parked at the starting point.

ATTENTION! The tour suggestions go in uncharted terrain, don't forget a map and compass.

Valdalsfjällen - Winter

A pure calf mountain tour with skiing in open mountain terrain. Ski with a wonderful view of open expanses. Weather, wind and mood determine where the bunny steers.

The tour goes along an unmarked trail, map and compass are recommended. Remember to find out about weather conditions and any avalanche risk before you set off. Leave a travel message with a family member or friend. Feel free to use the Fjällsälerhetsrådet's app .

Recommended equipment:

  • Touring skis with steel edge

  • Stig skins

  • Windbag

  • Spade

  • Map and compass

  • Seating or sleeping mat

  • Warm clothes for the break

  • First aid kit with chafing plasters

  • Sunscreen and sunglasses

The trip begins with a car trip into the Norwegian side, where you park at the corners about 15 km from Lake Grövelsjön. There are no crossroads here, but you find your own way. The suggestion is to ski north towards Sushögda and up towards the Rundhögda pass. Up here there are several different peaks to climb such as Lifjellet, Sushögda and Digerhogna. Alternatively, continue north along Sushögda's slope towards Storslåga and then turn south down back to the car park via little Lifjellet.

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