Barfredshågna around – easy/medium 10 km
Character of the tour: Easy hiking calf mountain tour with a view of large parts of Långfjället.
Length of the tour: 10 km
Total ascent: approx. 300 m
Special for the trip: The open expanses, the beautiful Foskbäcken and the opportunity to rest in Oskarstugan
Remember: The only place you can find water with certainty is in Foskbäcken by Oskarstugan.

Suitable map: Fjällkartan W 51 Height curves, equidistant 10 m Coordinates given in Sweref 99
Hiking description
Start: Stora parkingen at Lövåsen (N: 6882287 E: 0363782)
From the car park, you follow the path up towards the small embankment (Lövåsvallen) and then follow the summer trail towards Storvätteshågna.
After just over 1 km, the summer trail crosses the snowmobile trail towards Oskarstugan. Be observant so that you find the continuation of the summer trail after the meeting with the snowmobile trail.
When the summer trail comes down to Foskbäcken, you choose to follow the stream upstream to Oskarstugan (N 6885941 E 0364034). From Oskarstugan you then follow the combined summer and winter trail (marked with a cross) back to Lövåsen.