“Linné was here” 1734

Follow the footsteps of famous botanist Carl Linnaeus

The Linné trail follows the mountain side of Salsfjället and continues on into Norway. Follow the route Carl Linnaeus traveled on his journey to Röros 1734

Carl Linnaeus scientific expedition to Dalarna took him on foot all the way to Röros, Norway. The expedition is described in The Dala Journey, and no-one can describe the water in Grövelsjön like Carl Linneaus – “All (streams) brought a water, like you never tasted, as for its clarity and coldness, as for its taste.The water with the right flavor, is the water without flavor”

Start at Sjöstugan, and take the bridge over river Grövlan, then follow the trail towards Sylen/Svukkuriset. The trail is easy to follow, and after ca 2 km you reach the reindeer fence and the border between Norway and Sweden. Continue as far as you like in open and accessible terrain with wonderful views

Or continue on to Sylen, ca 9 km Where you can take the boat M/S Sylöra back to Sjöstugan (reservation required). For a longer hike you can hike to Hävlingen, 11 km from Sylen. You can also stay at Sylseth farm in Sylen, reservation required.

Parking can be found along the road to Sjöstugan.