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Storvätteshogna 18-24km round trip

Beautiful mountain tour to Dalarna roof, Svealand's highest peak at 1204 m above sea level. Storvätteshogna is called Gelata in Southern Sami, Toppen in short. The tour can be done round trip along the same trail, approx. 18 km, or as a longer tour via Oscarsstugan, approx. 25 km.

The tour goes along a cross-marked trail, map and compass are recommended. Remember to find out about weather conditions and any avalanche risk before you set off. Leave a travel message with a family member or friend. Feel free to use the Mountain Safety Council's app .

Recommended equipment:

  • Touring skis with steel edge

  • Stig skins

  • Windbag

  • Spade

  • Map and compass

  • Seating or sleeping mat

  • Warm clothes for the break

  • First aid kit with chafing plasters

  • Sunscreen and sunglasses

Start at STF Grövelsjön, and follow the marked winter trail up Långfjället, signposted towards Storvätteshogna. Ascent up Långfjället with approx. 260 meters of altitude. Afterwards the trail turns down towards the Fosksjöarna approx. 900 m above sea level. Now the ascent becomes steeper and the trail goes straight up the mountain for approx. 3 km with an ascent of approx. 300 meters in height.

You can choose to ski the same way back, down to Fosksjöarna and on to STF Grövelsjön, or take the trail south towards Lövåsen. After approx. 5.5 km, turn off to the north and follow the signposted trail towards Oscarsstugan, approx. 2 km. It's a good place to take a break and replenish your energy there. Oscarsstugan is open to everyone and there is a stove to burn in. From Oscarsstugan it is about 7 km to STF Grövelsjön.

The tour can be skied starting at Lövåsen, round trip approx. 16 km. Or tour via Oscarsstugan approx. 20 km.

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